33 Day Consecration
Journey through 33 Days of preparation
for the
Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary.
9 Jan ---> 11 Feb Apparition of the Immaculate Virgin Mary at Lourdes
20 Feb ---> 25 Mar The Annunciation
13 Jun ---> 16 Jul Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Scroll on the page below for each day's prayers.
St. Louis Marie De Montfort's
33 Days
Total Consecration to Jesus
through Mary
follow the daily consecration prayers outlined below.
Note: You may do your consecration prayers at your own pace and time.
Method click here to view the method >>>
Choose a day for the Consecration:
To begin, choose the date of a Marian Feast on which to make the consecration. Whichever Feast you choose will determine the date to begin a 33-day period of spiritual preparation, i.e., you follow spiritual exercises for 33 days, and the next day (34th) will be the Marian Feast on which you consecrate yourself. Below is a list of Marian Feasts which are the same on both the traditional and Novus Ordo calendars:
Start of 33-day; ---> Marian Feast You've Chosen ---> Feast/Consecration Day.
9 Jan ---> Apparition of the Immaculate Virgin Mary at Lourdes 11 Feb
20 Feb ---> The Annunciation 25 Mar (start 21 Feb when February has 29 days).
13 Jun ---> Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 16 Jul
13 Jul ---> The Assumption 15 Aug
6 Aug ---> Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8 Sep
13 Aug ---> Our Lady of Sorrows 15 Sep (Dates selected for this project)
19 Oct ---> Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 21 Nov
5 Nov ---> Immaculate Conception 8 Dec
9 Nov ---> Our Lady of Guadalupe 12 Dec
The Feast of the Annunciation is the Feast that St. Louis de Montfort recommends most of all as it is this Feast that commemorates God Himself taking on flesh and, thereby, subjecting even Himself to trust in and dependency on Our Lady.
First comes a 12-day preparation period that consists of emptying oneself of the spirit of the world in penance and mortification. For those 12 days, we pray the Veni Creator, the Ave Maris Stella, the Magnificat, and the Glory Be.
Then follow 3 weeks, each week having a specific focus.
The first week focuses on offering up our prayers and devotions for the purpose of coming to understand ourselves and our sins; humility is the key, and the prayers the Litany of the Holy Ghost, the Litany of Loreto, and the Ave Maris Stella help us.
During the second week, we ask the Holy Ghost to help us better understand the Blessed Virgin; we pray the Litany of the Holy Ghost, the Litany of Loreto, the Ave Maris Stellis, the prayer to Mary by St. Louis-Marie, and 5 decades of the Holy Rosary each day for assistance.
During the third week, we seek to better understand Christ through meditation and the Litany of the Holy Ghost, the Ave Maris Stella, and the Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus, Montfort's prayer to Jesus, and the prayer O Jesus Living in Mary.
To Pray/Read on your own, Procced to the 33-Day PRAYERS ONLY Page, click Here >>>>
To Pray along with video, click on the links below:
First 12-days preparation period that consists of emptying oneself of the spirit of the world in penance and mortification. For these 12 days, we pray the Veni Creator, the Ave Maris Stella, the Magnificat, and the Glory Be, along with a Spiritual Reading.
Day 1
Rev Fr. J. Ganser
Day 2
Rev Fr. J. Ganser
Day 3
Rev Fr. J. Ganser
Day 4
Rev. Fr. P. Maas
Day 5
Rev. Fr. P. Maas
Day 6
Rev. Fr. P. Maas
Day 7
Rev. Mnsgr. T. Orsulak
Day 8
Rev. Mnsgr. T. Orsulak
Day 9
Rev. Mnsgr. T. Orsulak
Day 10
Rev. Fr. R. Wiesenbaugh, SJ
Day 11
Rev. Fr. R. Wiesenbaugh, SJ
Day 12
Rev. Fr. R. Wiesenbaugh, SJ
The first week focuses on offering up our prayers and devotions for the purpose of coming to understand ourselves and our sins; humility is the key, and the prayers; the Litany of the Holy Ghost, the Litany of Loreto, and the Ave Maris Stella help us, along with a Spiritual Reading.
Day 13
Rev. Fr. E. Tolentino
Day 14
Rev. Fr. E. Tolentino
Day 15
Rev. Fr. E. Tolentino
Day 16
Rev. Fr. G. Bur, SJ
Day 17
Rev. Fr. G. Bur, SJ
Day 18
Rev. Fr. G. Bur, SJ
Day 19
Rev. Fr. E. Essig
Days 20-26: During the second week, we ask the Holy Ghost to help us better understand the Blessed Virgin; we pray the Litany of the Holy Ghost, the Litany of Loreto, the Ave Maris Stellis, the prayer to Mary by St. Louis-Marie, and a Spiritual Reading each day for assistance.
Also, during this week, we pray the ROSARY daily
(>> Pick any one of the rosary prayers published here <<)
Day 20
Rev. Fr. E. Essig
Day 21
Rev. Fr. E. Essig
Day 22
Rev. Fr. R. Brensinger
Day 23
Rev. Fr. R. Brensinger
Day 24
Rev. Fr. R. Brensinger
Day 25
Rev. Fr. D. Kozak
Day 26
Rev. Fr. D. Kozak
During the third week, we seek to better understand Christ through meditation (Spiritual Reading) and the Litany of the Holy Ghost, the Ave Maris Stella, and the Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus, Montfort's prayer to Jesus, and the prayer O Jesus Living in Mary.
Day 27
Rev. Fr. D. Kozak
Day 28
Rev. Fr. F. Groarke
Day 29
Rev. Fr. F. Groarke
Day 30
Rev. Fr. F. Groarke
Day 31
Rev. Fr. R. James
Day 32
Rev. Fr. R. James
Day 33
Rev. Fr. R. James
Day of Consecration
On the day of consecration, either fast, give alms, or offer a votive candle for the good of another (or all of the above); do some spiritual penance, go to Confession (within 8 days before and after the date of consecration).
Approach your consecration in the spirit of mortification and then receive Communion with the intention of giving yourself to Jesus.
Print and pray along, the consecration prayer located here >>>
Day 34
Day of Consecration
Most Rev. Alfred Schlert,
Bishop of Allentown